Extreme Hibernate Performance - Delivered
Ok, I know, the title of this blog post is a bit sensational, but hang on - take a look at the results. See if you don't agree.
Yeah, that's not a typo. 500,000 read ops / sec. So how did that happen? That's the topic of a Webinar we just did, so I'll sum up the highlights, and then give you some pointers to get more info.
Operation Type Results
Update Hibernate ~ 1000 ops/sec
Update Hibernate + 2nd Level Cache ~ 1800 ops/sec
Update Terracotta ~ 7000 ops/sec
Operation Type Results
Read Hibernate ~ 1000 ops/sec
Read Hibernate + 2nd Level Cache ~ 1800 ops/sec
Read Terracotta ~ 500,000 ops/sec
Hibernate Performance Strategies
Coming from a straight JDBC app, here's what you can do to improve performance:
- Plain JDBC
- Hibernate
- Hibernate + 2nd Level Cache
- Detached POJOs
Enter Terracotta
But, hang on, what if you could write the Hibernate POJOs to a durable memory store - and maintain high performance? That's exactly where Terracotta steps in.
Leveraging the power of POJOs, the combination of Hibernate and Terracotta together means your application can get some really eye-popping performance results.
More Information
All of the resources from the Webinar are available at the Terracotta site. I invite you to run it and examine the code yourself.
- View the full Webinar from the Terracotta.org site.
- Get the code and the slides from the Terracotta Community Forge site.
This looks pretty interesting. I was kind of looking at slide 14 with the diagram of the 3 server configurations and how you had server 1 - 20 and the load balancer. With the first solution, you only utilized one database? I didn't understand the second configuration. And I am assuming the third configuration was the Terracotta one?
Also, what configuration did you use to get the 500k reads. Eg, were 20 servers utilized?
Hi Berlin.
You are referring to the real-world case study slide where a customer was able to deploy a solution that enabled them to handle a 2x increase in the number of users compared to their existing solution.
In that particular case, there is only one database. The second image shows what the configuration would have looked like, had the customer chosen to just upgrade (scale-up) their database investment, instead of going with Terracotta. In that particular scenario, I believe the option on the table was to double or triple the size of their existing DB server, but there would still have been only one DB (no DB Clustering solution was considered). The third solution is using Terracotta - that is correct.
The configuration I used to do all of the performance tests I published is actually just a trivial CRUD application (available at the labs site posted in the article), running on my laptop (a one year old MacBook Pro). The 500k reads was possible because the test attempts to read/write a single Person object. In the case of Terracotta, once that object is loaded in the VM, there is no network latency to read, so the reads happened at memory speed - not network or disk speed.
Hi Taylor, your article is interesting but this is a bit misleading... It only brings benefit for long conversations (conversation which span over multiple requests).
And even in this case, it's far more simpler to use the "application managed" strategy ( http://www.hibernate.org/43.html#A5 ) and just cluster the http session with terracotta so you dont have to hold your objects with a state object and such.
On a side note, what is the status of the TCCacheImpl ? Would you use it over EhCache to act as 2nd level cache in Hibernate ? Would it solve the "Blog" issue ?
Thanks for the input.
I think you and I are talking about the same thing, my point of reference was the Hibernate documentation here: http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/reference/en/html/objectstate.html
Which discusses detached objects - I think these are the same mode as the application managed strategy discussed in the article you point to.
I completely agree with you - putting the objects into the HTTPSession is the way to go - I was simply demonstrating how this Strategy gives the benefits it does without actually having to have a Web Container solely for the sake of the demo and simplicity. The end result is exactly the same. Incidentally, since Hibernate doesn't always reside in a Web Application, using a Map to simulate the HTTPSession is another analagous route.
Also, I think the difference you will see with Terracotta versus any other Web Container's HTTPSession clustering technology is pretty significant. Linear Scale. Large Object graphs. Virtual Heaps. No other solution can provide these, so while I agree you can just "use HTTPSession clustering", you can't just use off the shelf HTTPSession clustering for any reasonable sized object graph.
Finally, I don't agree with you that long-running conversations are the only benefit. If your application wants to cache data that is long lived, and not user specific, then you can use this same strategy. If you go the 2nd level cache route, then that long-lived data will live in the 2nd level cache as a BLOB representation, and your application server will have to rematierialize it into objects for EVERY single HTTP request - this is just not efficient.
I think maybe that is what you meant by the "Blog" issue?
If you are interested, we are going to do another Webinar on Caching, which will address these issues. Check out the Terracotta site for more info...it's coming up soon.
Hi Taylor, thanks for the reply and sorry for the typo, i meant "Blob" issue indeed...
Back to the subject, my point was that the performance improvement comes mainly because you use detached objects, it has nothing really to do with Terracotta.
Terraccota brings HA to the picture, so you can safely work with detached objects without to worry about loosing your work.
I dont say TC does not bring performance overall etc.. just that in your particular scenario, that's not the main reason.
I agree on the blob issue but you certainly don't want to manage this manually and work around Hibernate.
Correct me if i am wrong but it's where your Hibernate module kicks in isnt it ?
To my understanding, to best leverage TC with Hibernate i would do the following:
- Use ehcache as 2nd cache in HIB
- Dont mark my entities cacheable however mark my collections or one/many to many chacheable
- Enable query cache
- Enable both EhCache and Hibernate module in TC
With the Hibernate module, basically it looks like a cache in front of hibernate where you cache concrete classes instead of being behind hibernate as 2nd level cache where hibernate put some dehydrated classes there as blob objects.
In this scenario, the 2nd level cache is used to hold the IDs of the objects being in a collection of another object (one/many to many) and to cache queries.
A transactional cache would be a nice thing to have to replace EhCache in this context if you need it and i think that is precisely the point of your work on the plugin for hibernate 2nd cache in your labs.
Again correct me if i am wrong here.
A bit out of the topic, i am wondering a few things about Terracotta:
- If i miss a screencast ( the jetty one for example), is there a way to watch it anyway ?
- Does TC server work on the heap or off the heap with NIO for example ?
- Is there any plan to distribute the TC server over more than one instance to have some active-active full mesh architecture ? Or even without going that far, be able to add some memory instance to the TC server so the server can use some NAM itself ;) ?
The main idea behind the last question is to see how you could address to support more and more objects in memory being local or networked memory. At the moment you are limited to the memory a single server can offer, it would be nice to be able to break this barrier so i can use some unused memory from other servers for example.
Thanks in advance for your time.
That's too many questions for a comment stream :). I invite you to read our new .org site, it might help answer some of them. Whatever is left I invite you to ask on the forums...
Some quick point though: You are not limited to objects in memory on the Terracotta Server! It spills to disk, so the total size can be quite large - really only limited by the size of the disk.
I agree, that the performance comes from being able to use the detached mode, absolutely, but there is no other solution that gives you the HA and the performance that Terracotta does - large object graphs in traditional clustered cache technologies simply do not perform well.
One more thing - I don't think that using a 2nd Level Cache is the best way to leverage TC - as you can see in my demonstration the clustered second level cache is much slower than the detached object mode.
Think about how much work is done for every operation - Hibernate must hydrate the data into POJOs on each request in the 2nd Level Cache mode - in the detached mode you use objects that are already there.
I also don't agree about transactional caches - transactional caches are slow - come by on Sept 12 we will show an alternate solution.
Finally - yes you can watch any webinar that we have had in the past - they are on our site and also you can subscribe to the whole series as a podcast.
"You are not limited to objects in memory on the Terracotta Server! It spills to disk, so the total size can be quite large - really only limited by the size of the disk"
I am well aware of that but if you can keep more objects in a faster cache, it's for the best, moreover, if I have 10 blades with 4Go of memory free on each, it would be nice to be able to leverage those 40Go of memory isnt it ?
If you just stick with this stance whenever people ask about TC (I read a lot of blogs/forums on this),in the end when more and more distributed cache solutions will emerge, i am afraid that spilling to the disk will not be enough for a lot of people. If you have some unused resources (memory) somewhere, it definitely makes sense to try to use it if it can brings something to your business.
In your case, i am pretty sure that a NAM over a 10G ethernet connection would be faster than reading/writing on the disk...
It's not that necessarily people really need all this memory and that spilling on disk is a bottleneck but it's more about making use of their unused resources so people can think to themself : "At least i don't waste all this memory and i make a good use of it"
"Think about how much work is done for every operation - Hibernate must hydrate the data into POJOs on each request in the 2nd Level Cache mode"
If you read my comment more closely, you would notice that i suggest using 2nd hib cache only for collections and hibernate use this cache to holds the identifiers of your objects inside the collection ( usually a List of Integer/Long), and as soon as you access it, i expect your hibernate module to kick in and be able to retrieve those objects from TC (according to my understanding of your hib module, it should work).
And yes of course a transactional cache is slower but sometimes you don't have the choice... (i said, "if you need it")
Thanks for the comments and grats on the new website layout, definitely clearer now, hey i could find those recorded screencasts ! ;)
Btw, i am sold on TC and currently integrating it in our product so i am not trying to look TC a bad product, i am only trying to make TC an even better product.
Batch processing with Hibernate caching.
We are using Hibernate 3.0 API for our web application.
We are having a requirement of inserting about 100000 records to the database.
Here we compared the performance of inserting 100000 records with normal JDBC support and with hibernate support. We found much more differnece in between two approaches. The normal JDBC support is taking around 18 - 20 secs to insert records as it directly hits the database for inserting records, where as Hibernate is taking around 45-50 secs for inserting.
We have implemented the caching for hibernate and using Session and StatelessSession objects for insert operation. With Session object it requires around 45-50 secs to insert the 100000 records (may be due to wrong configuration, don't know exactly), while with StatelessSession object it increases the performace by 50%, i.e. it requires around 25-27 secs to insert the records.
Can any one please tell me what cache configuration settings do we require while inserting 100000 or more records to the database.
Thanks in advance
Avinash Deshmukh
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Interesting results .. i was interested in creating such a memory based structure as well, and built a framework which nearly does the same stuff as terracotta does.
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