Short, concise and readable code - invert your logic and stop nesting already!
Have you ever heard this maxim:
"A method should have one and only one exit point"
Well, it couldn't be more wrong. The following are the attributes of a well written method; it should:
- perform one and only one function,
- be short and to the point,
- be easy to read and understand,
- and it should have a descriptive, accurate and concise name.
- follow a template. consistent flow is easier to read.
- check your pre conditions early. If they fail, exit fast
- nesting is bad. avoid it. invert your logic at every step of the way.
[return value] [method name](parameters)Pretty simple, right? So what's this about invert your logic? Well have a look at the template up there. Do you see any nesting? Right....neither do I. So let me illustrate a common idiom, one that uses in particular the if/else if/else pattern and the single exit strategy:
[throws clause]
[check pre conditions]
[core logic]
/**Wow, what a mouthful. And I didn't even put in a few while loops, case structures and other nonsense I usually see that ends up with code nested 4 and 6 levels deep. Let me rewrite that code up there making it match the pattern I suggested, inverting the logic, and then I will explain what I did.
* Returns the element at index
public Object getElement(int index)
Object theItem = null;
boolean listError = false;
boolean indexError = false;
if (list != null) {
if (index > 0 && index < list.size()) {
theItem = list.elementAt(index);
} else {
indexError = true;
} else {
listError = true;
if (listError) {
throw new Exception("Bad list");
} else if (indexError) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Bad index");
} else {
return theItem;
/**Remember when I said check your pre-conditions first, and exit fast. What this allows you to do is evaluate all of the conditions under which your method will fail, and if you detect something amiss, handle it immediately. This strategy is flexible - if the pre-conditions for your class or your method change, you can add and substract the tests for those pre-conditions using this structure without having to modify surrounding code. The worst offender I see is always of the following pattern:
* Returns the element at index
public Object getElement(int index)
if (list == null) {
throw new Exception("Bad list");
if (index < 0 || index >= list.size()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Bad index");
return list.elementAt(index);
if (condition_to_succeed_is_true) {The problem with this is that the reader of your code has to put the conditional test onto their mental stack while they digest what do_something() is doing. If do_something() happens to be long, or complicated, you'll probably blow the mental stack of the reader, forcing them to look at the condition again just to figure out why the do_error() is being done.
} else {
On the other hand, when you line up your pre-condition tests linearly, there is no mental stack, the reader simply processes each in turn, and then, when they are all done, they are able to process the real meat - the do_something() - part of your method without all the baggage from your pre-condition tests. So inverting your logic means taking the above test, inverting the condition, and writing it as:
if (!condition_to_succeed_is_true) {
So I hope you remember your CS classes and De Morgan's laws - I find coding like this makes me use them all the time.
There's one other benefit this strategy has, and that's when you are writing synchronized blocks. When you write a synchronized block, you absolutely must strive to perform as little work as is absolutely necessary inside the synchronized block.
Let's look at the problem we have when we use the normal pattern I described above, combined with synchronization -- the code now becomes:
synchronized (lock) {Ugggh! There's no way, in Java, to release the lock before you perform do_something()! (Which we presume takes time and shouldn't be performed under lock). If you invert the logic, however, you can test the condition and release the lock as soon as you've tested it (note that it's often the case that you might need to use some data you acquired during the lock, in that case you should make a copy on the local stack under the lock, and then release it which I have shown below):
if (condition_to_succeed_is_true) {
} else {
synchronized (lock) {Remember, in these examples I am assuming that do_something(...) is the non trivial part of your method, both in lines of code, complexity, and execution time.
if (!condition_to_succeed_is_true) {
state = copy_state();
One more thing - I find that using 4 spaces to indent code blocks instead of 2 helps to break me of the habit of nesting my code because it acts like an automatic brake on the indentation level.
The actual case you showed is pretty flawed. A more optimal approach would just be to return list.elementAt(index), because the null check would still be done (but not twice) and the range check would still be done (but not twice).
Even more ideally, elementAt would be a field that references something like a Runnable, e.g.:
interface Function<T,R>
R run(T input);
Then if List<E> had an elementAt() that returned a Function<Integer,E>, you wouldn't even need to write any code to delegate through, just expose that Function.
If you treat a method as a mathematical function, that takes in values and returns a result, rather than one that modifies things, then single return is probably the most optimal.
You can work with non-results without having chunky if statements, see the Maybe type in Haskell.
Translated to Java:
Maybe<Integer> input=getInputFromUser(); //they may cancel or enter something other than an Integer.
return squared;
If the original input was Nothing, then squared would be Nothing too.
[squareRoot would be a Function<Integer,Double>]
It is possible, and quite useful, to employ some functional programming idioms in Java, and where I do that, I find that the easiest to read results are often one-liners. When I get to the one-liner, I can then wonder whether the method really needs to exist, especially when it's an instance method.
You're right, for the *actual* case presented, you wouldn't need the code I wrote. And I agree with your position that a lot of code can be reduced to one-liners...that wasn't my point.
My point was to apply this approach to non-trivial methods just getters, and that cannot be reduced to the mathematical functor style.
Last paragraph should have read:
My point was to apply this approach to non-trivial methods that cannot be reduced to the mathematical functor style, not just getters.
Ok, I can understand your resistance to the idea.
I've responded with another blog post that shows how the technique can be applied more broadly.
Part 2
I agree with your points (even the one that allows the use of multiple exit points).
Regarding the benefits of "inverted logic", I would like to add that the use of inverted logic can significantly reduce the nesting level in large methods. This means less indentations (and less run-off text that has to be wrapped). It also happens to makes the code less complex (according to some of the metrics that we use here at work).
The need for multiple exit points is often times a necessity for "inverted logic", especially for methods that return status and error codes.
For more than a decade I was a follower of the "one-exit-rule". But as you, I now think this rule is senseless. Keep your methods short enough, let them make only one thing and you're fine. There is no problem with several exit points. Those only become a problem if the method grows beyond 10 lines of code and noone can understand the method from looking at it. Then several exit points add to the problem.
Stephan Schmidt ::
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