Extreme Hibernate Performance - Delivered
Ok, I know, the title of this blog post is a bit sensational, but hang on - take a look at the results. See if you don't agree.
Yeah, that's not a typo. 500,000 read ops / sec. So how did that happen? That's the topic of a Webinar we just did, so I'll sum up the highlights, and then give you some pointers to get more info.
Operation Type Results
Update Hibernate ~ 1000 ops/sec
Update Hibernate + 2nd Level Cache ~ 1800 ops/sec
Update Terracotta ~ 7000 ops/sec
Operation Type Results
Read Hibernate ~ 1000 ops/sec
Read Hibernate + 2nd Level Cache ~ 1800 ops/sec
Read Terracotta ~ 500,000 ops/sec
Hibernate Performance Strategies
Coming from a straight JDBC app, here's what you can do to improve performance:
- Plain JDBC
- Hibernate
- Hibernate + 2nd Level Cache
- Detached POJOs
Enter Terracotta
But, hang on, what if you could write the Hibernate POJOs to a durable memory store - and maintain high performance? That's exactly where Terracotta steps in.
Leveraging the power of POJOs, the combination of Hibernate and Terracotta together means your application can get some really eye-popping performance results.
More Information
All of the resources from the Webinar are available at the Terracotta site. I invite you to run it and examine the code yourself.
- View the full Webinar from the Terracotta.org site.
- Get the code and the slides from the Terracotta Community Forge site.