Tuesday, July 31, 2007

IFoo or just Foo? Please stop naming interfaces IFoo.

I am not sure where the idea came from to name intefaces IFoo, but I think the practice is counter-intuitive and generally ugly. Java is not C++, nor C, and it most definitely is not Windows, so why do we have a good section of the Java community dead set on writing pre-historic looking code?

Aside from the aesthetic issues, which is important if you ask me -- code that looks funny most definitely smells funny, I believe naming an interface IFoo instead of Foo really misinterprets the fundamental idea of what an interface is.

An interface is an object - at least from the standpoint of the code that calls it. When you deal with it in code, there is no distinction between an interface and a full blown class. That, in my opinion is the beauty of Java. We can argue all day long about whether or not Java should have multiple-inheritance, the fact is that it does not. And in its place is a rather elegant solution - multiple interfaces.

My point is, when I instantiate FooImpl that implements Foo, for all intents and purposes, FooImpl is not a FooImpl, it is a Foo. If FooImpl happens to implement Bar, then it is also a Bar, but it most definitely is not an IFoo or an IBar.

To further belabor the point, calling your interface IFoo or IBar demotes the status of the interface, and the resulting "object" that is used by clients of the implementation of IFoo or IBar, thus subtly changing the way a programmer understands your code. It is as if the interface IFoo is second in nature to the implementation. But nothing could be further from the truth. Design by Contract means that you are coding to interfaces as first class citizens, not backwater denizens of the design. The implementation is what does NOT matter, and that's why you call it FooImpl, because you could have SuperDuperFooImpl and ReallyLameFooImpl too. The point is that any one of these is a Foo, and that's all your program should care about.

If you disagree with my opinion, look no further than Java Collections, do you implement an IMap or a Map? Josh Bloch had it right, so stop using IFoo already.

I am sure you'll still disagree with me, so flame on in the comments...

p.s. In the "nobody's perfect department", we even have examples in our own Terracotta code base.


Ricky Clarkson said...

FooImpl? Please stop naming classes FooImpl.

I am not sure where the idea came from to name classes FooImpl, but I think the practice is counter-intuitive and generally ugly.

Aside from the aesthetic issues, which are important if you ask me -- code that looks funny most definitely smells funny, I believe naming a class FooImpl instead of leaving it anonymous really misinterprets the fundamental idea of what a name is.

To further belabour the point, calling your class FooImpl promotes the status of the class.

An object is defined by what behaviour you can perform with it. Interfaces are a suboptimal way of declaring that behaviour, because they, by not allowing conjugations of interfaces to be interoperable, and by not allowing interfaces to extend others after the fact, encourage large monolithic interfaces.

Explaining the conjugation point - given interface A, interface B, interface C extends A,B, interface D extends A,B, there's no way to write a method that takes a C and allow a D to be passed instead.

There is a way of allowing something that is an A and is a B to be passed, via generics, but there's no way of naming that combination without losing flexibility.

We can argue all day long about whether Java should have interfaces, the fact is that they are mainly for persuading the compiler to accept your code, and only sometimes for self-documentation. They actually harm in some cases. Try writing a method that accepts any object that provides an add method and an iterator method.

If you disagree with my point, consider your favourite language, where it forces (or encourages) you to name things you don't want to (FooImpl, method names, interfaces) and doesn't allow you to name things you do want to (method references, conjugated interfaces, the this pointer from an outer anonymous class).

Taylor said...


Not sure what you're trying to say...but I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they say.

In any case I wasn't making an argument for what to call a CLASS, only an interface - so you are arguing about...nothing?

Calling a class DefaultFoo is perfectly fine, and preferable, imo.

Eugene Kuleshov said...

I would argue that interfaces are objects. They are more like contracts actually and there is a huge difference between an object and a contract. For instance, contracts can't be extended without breaking backward compatibility, but objects - can. That is why it is more preferable to expose the abstract classes and not interfaces for the long living API.

Taylor said...

Consider also the example I pointed to, the Collections interfaces, which have well named interfaces AND classes, so certainly you cannot be arguing that the language itself somehow limits good design and naming - or you just don't like Java?

I guess you are arguing that interfaces are inherently...bad? In that case shoo troll...be gone.

Taylor said...


Hmm, I am not sure I see your point. An Abstract Class is no better at insulating changes to the API from the rest of the codebase than an interface is...

And, generally speaking, an Abstract Class with no implementation is just an interface, an Abstract Class with full implementation is a normal class, so basically an Abstract Class with partial implementation is really just a way to specifically tell a programmer "Extend Here".

Maybe that is your point?

Ricky Clarkson said...

I'm merely making the point that while you're asking developers to stop doing one thing, you're yourself doing something a bit dodgy.

DefaultFoo, and FooImpl, are clearly poor names. If you have only one implementation of Foo, and Foo is not going to be implemented by third parties, then there's no advantage to it being an interface, you may as well merge the class and the interface.

If you have two or more implementations, calling one FooImpl seems to demote the others. If LinkedList was called ListImpl, people would probably look at ArrayList like it was alien.

Instead of FooImpl, you could name the class according to what it does. ArrayList and LinkedList are good examples of that, Vector isn't.

Looking at Collections, one issue is that Iterator has remove in it, a method that makes no sense for read-only collections. Interfaces don't provide a good way of handling that - you can replace Iterator/Iterable, but you won't get the Java 5 foreach loop.

Some of the considerations for making collections as monolithic as they are is the potential for interface explosion. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/collections/designfaq.html#1

I like Java, but I can also see that some aspects of it cause problems.

Ivan said...

I don't see MapImpl in the Collections classes. I'd call the one interface to class paradigm another type of code smell worth avoiding...

Somatik said...

w i c k e t

Nate Kohari said...

I'm actually a C# developer, but we're on similar ground here. Naming interfaces IFoo rather than Foo has a great benefit: specifically, you immediately understand that you cannot call a constructor to create an IFoo. The Foo/FooImpl pattern is code smell just as much as the IFoo/Foo pattern is. If you're not creating something that has extensibility as an explicit design goal, one-class/one-interface is a bad idea, since you're not really thinking about HOW the type is going to be reimplemented.

Jeremy Weiskotten said...

One time that comes to mind where using an interface and naming the class something "generic" like FooImpl or DefaultFoo makes sense is when extracting an interface purely for testability -- to isolate dependencies. Then you might have a MockFoo that you use when unit testing some consumer of Foo.

Ricky Clarkson said...


You're missing my point a little - what I'd like to be able to do is say that C is anything that implements A and B, and then write methods that take Cs as parameters. That is, C isn't really intended to be part of a hierarchy, but to provide a name for a collection of methods. Imagine if java.util worked this way. List could extend Add, Clear, IsEmpty, Iterator, and then I could create a conjugation (named C, say) of Add and GetIterator - any List or any other type that implements Add and GetIterator could be passed as a C.

You might think this is a bad idea, but it's already possible using generics.

public [C extends Add,GetIterator] void doSomething(C c){blah}

The main problem is that I can only define such conjugations as type parameters - and I end up repeating those wherever I want to use C. That's suboptimal.

Unknown said...

Hey guys, what about unit testing and mock objects ? ;-)

Say you have Foo/FooImpl and Bar/BarImpl, and Foo has a dependency on Bar.

If you want to unit test Foo, you can :
- test indirectly BarImpl while testing Foo,
- or use mock objects (jmock, easymock, etc), and replace BarImpl with a mock. And you can do it because you have an interface (Bar).

So, the answer is : there is no easy answer. It depends on what you're doing...

Eugene Kuleshov said...

Taylor, my point is that adding method to the interface is a breaking change, while you can safely add a non-abstract method to the abstract class. That is not really related to the naming of these classes, but somewhat related to object vs. contract remark you've made.

schrepfler said...

I personally use that convention and I find it quite nice. I can see what you're saying but the ability to see and understand that something is an interface, even by just looking the files is very usefull to me. So, it's an overhead I'm gladly paying for having more information by convention.

Villane said...

Eugene, as you know, changes to interfaces are breaking only for extenders, not clients. What you say makes a lot of sense in the Eclipse world or in other places where focus is very much on extenders, and I think I'd agree that abstract classes are maybe better for extenders.

But in my daily work I don't really deal with extenders often and I use interfaces mainly for testability purposes, and to make the contracts more readable (without the clutter of the implementation getting in the way). So I think this concern is *almost* irrelevant for my case (and a lot of others).

Cedric said...

Actually, no: an interface is *not* a concrete class, and their respective instances should reflect that. I can do "new" of a concrete class, I can't on an interface, and that's exactly why the "I" prefix is useful.

It's also a good indicator of how "pure" (e.g. easily testable) a piece of code is. The more "I" in it, the easier it will be to test.

Also, Microsoft and Eclipse are good examples of successful API's that use this convention... something to think about.


M.D.A said...

Putting an I in front of interface names looks really really bad. Reminiscent of old dead hungarian notation. Get a real IDE C# guys ...

Unknown said...

I agree. I'm tired of old C/C++ styles. So, what happens when a mistake is made in the design (of course, it would be the guy who just left the project, not you) and you decide, since you so much smarter (than when you made the mistake last week), that the IFoo interface (now scattered throughout your code base) should really be promoted to full citizenship and become a Foo object....

I know... today's IDEs take care of this fairly handily but that's beside the point. It's sloppy style. If you're shaking your head in disagreement right now, I have to ask: Are you the same person who wrote all those same C functions with names like arg0, arg1, ...., argN? Shame on YOU! :)

KD said...

A naming convention is as good as the consistence of its usage. It does not really matter how you name the types.

You missed a major reason why interfaces are named with I prefix. Though both classes and interfaces are the same as far as usage goes - when used for subclassing they differ. We use extends for subclassing a class and implements for using a interface. By naming the interfaces with a I prefix, the implementor of the subclass does not need a round trip to the java doc for finding this.

Ahmet ISIK said...

i think prefixing interfaces with 'I' is just duplication. And any self respecting programmer knows the devil in duplication. Putting "interface" keyword on declaration and prefixing the name with "I" communicates the same thing. Former is for computer and human while latter is for human only.

Use of "I" prefix for communicating that a code piece is an interface brings the issue of why don't we put every attribute as letter prefixes. Prefix abstract classes with "A", packages with "P", integers with "I"... Or maybe use combinations of prefixes for better communication of the nature of named item. This way may be we could do with sole text editors, instead of smart IDE's.

John said...


What is your point? That people should prefix interface names with the letter I?

The author has a good point. Let's stick to the style used by Sun unless you have a good reason not to.

John Connors said...

Habit. Pure and simple. It's a very strong force. People at the shop I'm working at were racking their brains to find a TLA for a new file extension that wasn't taken. .BTJ ? .BJB .JBB .JBY?

The I pointed out that it was the century of the fruitbat, win9x wasn't supported by us any more, and that we could have as many characters in our extension as we liked...

masukomi said...

I think your argument is fundamentally flawed. You say that if something implements IFoo it's really a Foo and thus should be called foo. But what if i have two classes that implement IFoo should I call the both Foo? And what about just being able to look at your classes and tell which ones are interfaces and which ones are concrete without opening each one up? Sure IFoo may look a bit weird but you haven't proposed anything better.

And an interface is only a class by coincidence. You can't actually DO anything with an interface that you can do with a normal POJO. Like the other commenter said, it's just a contract. And they are second in nature to the implementation because it certainly can't do ANYTHING the implementation can do because by definition an Interface can't DO anything. It can only SPECIFY / REQUIRE things. Yes you treat them as first class citizens but they are not the same thing.

It's like hiring an 80lb weakling as a firefighter. Yes we strive to treat everyone the same but do you really want that person trying to throw your unconscious ass over their shoulder while they fight their way out of your burning house? I don't I want the big burly bodybuilding dude not someone who just happens to have the same rights as him.

Also interfaces aren't treated as objects from the standpoint of the code that calls it. Objects are treated as interfaces from the standpoint of the code that calls it. It's totally the opposite and it's a big difference.

If you don't want me to use IFoo give me a reasonable alternative that lets me distinguish my interfaces from my other classes (because frequently i need to go edit the interface NOT the class). I also need to know that when I'm creating a method signature i haven't accidentally coded it to take an implementation instead of an interface and I can't do that by looking at it if I can't distinguish interfaces by name.

Taylor said...


Actually, I do give a reasonable alternative:

Stick to the conventions laid out by the Java Language. Maps are maps not IMaps, implementations should be named on how they implement the contract e.g. HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap.

I propose that you do the same in your code. Thus the interface should be called Foo, and you should have DoesSomethingFoo and DoesSomethingElseFoo, for lack of a better example (I think the Java Language examples are better)

@everyone else
I have read all the comments thus far, and I am amazed at some of the things people are saying. One thing that strikes me very oddly is the rather blase attitude some people take towards inheritance - as if a naming convention alone should be the sole reason a programmer can know whether to extend or not extend a class. If you are using "I" to tell people that they should NOT extend, then you have serious other problems, because inheritance should not simply be used whenever and wherever you feel like it. It should be a very conscious, very determined sort of activity, and having to know the class intimately is only the first requirement before one should go off and extend a class.

I think that actually helps me to know what topic to blog about next - the "isA" relationship and how unbelievably misunderstood it is in the world of OOP.

Before I go, I want to point out that as always, I am humbled and not nearly as eloquent or informative in my own blog as Joel Spolsky is. For the diligent reader, I suggest reading his (rather long) entry on how and why one SHOULD use a naming convention - http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html

I agree with him, and find that it is sort of funny that the whole "I" thing comes from a complete misunderstanding of the entire motivation for the "Hungarian Notation" thing.

So I reiterate my plea - please stop using "I" for interfaces - it's redundant and useless information, there are better reasons to use a naming convention, but to convey the actual type in a strongly typed system (Java) really goes against not only common sense but DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

masukomi said...

Your suggestion for how to name the implementations is good but it still doesn't solve the problem of not being able to *easily* tell which classes in your tree are the interfaces and which are the implementations. I'd love a better alternative to I but I just haven't seen, or thought of, one worth switching to. With Map and your proposed naming convention, for example, there's really no way to tell if Map is an Interface or an Abstract class or just a normal class that everything happens to extend. With IMap I can be confident when looking at my class tree or a method signature that it's an interface without it I, and especially anyone new to the project, just can't tell and that is almost guaranteed to lead to eventually requesting an implementation instead of the interface in a method signature.

mario.gleichmann said...

A friend if mine had a 'compilation unit' called IPod ... now i wonder if it's an interface or a class ... ;o)

Since it's a little program for music devices i guess it's a class ...

What's the quintessence? It depends on the shared semantic context of individuals.

masukomi said...

re compilation unit called IPod. It's neither a class nor an interface it's a pending lawsuit. ;)

kbac70 said...

I remember asking myself what naming convention to adopt when delivering the interface based public SDK. Argued the collection interface naming vs usage of adjectives. And since adjectives usage became ugly pretty soon, this made me think collections was spot on, indeed.
Thanks for this very cool article.

Unknown said...

I agree with the article - interfaces should have the base type name (without the 'I'), and concrete implementation classes are specializations that should qualify that name. If you use interfaces throughout and factories (or better still, IOC & dependency injections a la Spring) for the implementations, you have better clarity and flexibility, and you don't have to distinguish between interfaces and their implementations.

uncial said...

I'd like to suggest another reason for considering interfaces as distinct from classes, and therefor perhaps a bit of support for the name making the distinction.

We've all heard "A extends B" (for classes) verbalized as "A is-a B"; an instance of A is a particular kind of B. However, for several years of teaching and mentoring, I've encouraged Java programmers to verbalize "A implements P" with the phrase "A as-a P", where we understand P to be a role which is fulfilled in a particular context by A.

This is a bit more than saying that interfaces are Java's nod to multiple inheritance (which I never say). Instead it is deliberately thinking of a piece of functionality in terms of the roles which collaborate to accomplish the goal, and specifically disclaiming dependence on any particular (whole or partial) implementation of that role.

By way of analogy, a football team's playbook (e.g. their collection of design patterns) is written in terms of what the quarterback, running back, linemen, etc. do in a particular context; one would not expect to find individual player's names.

Naming interfaces in a way that makes it obvious that the code under the eye is designed/written to role-based thinking strikes me as a reasonable convention, given that this is not (yet?) universal practice in our profession.

As a side note, I really don't care too much about remembering that I can do new Foo(...) but not new IFoo(...) as I find myself shifting more and more toward factories and dependence injection. These both give me a simple way to acquire an object that in the current context can be used as a foo, and help me (and the readers of the code) remember not to assume anything else about the object I get.

Mike said...


Mike Miller said...

I agree with the author too! Additionally, please stop naming data members m_xxxx.

rh said...

Whilst I agree with you, who really give a hoot! Its a style, some people like/use it and others don't.

The most important thing is that people use interfaces when it's appropriate. Whether they call it IBar or Bar makes no real difference and if you find it difficult to read too bad.

Concentrating on programming style can be useful, but really it does not affect the quality of code..... "code that looks funny most definitely smells funny". The quality of code depends on whether they understand programming and the language, not wether they call it IFoo or Foo.

gg said...

Asthetics aside -- good code is always ugly, as in using the try/catch/finally construct[you DO use finally?], etc -- the salient point is that Interfaces trend coding practices to a Open/Closed pattern (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open/closed_principle).

The primary value of interfaces is forcing a formal contract at design time; at development time, interfaces promote encalsulation and abstraction.

Smahlatz said...

"It's like hiring an 80lb weakling as a firefighter. Yes we strive to treat everyone the same but do you really want that person trying to throw your unconscious ass over their shoulder while they fight their way out of your burning house?"
No - it's nothing like that. Here "firefighter" is the type, I expect with a job description which is the interface, but let's just refer to firefighter as the interface for now. "John Smith" is a concrete implementation of firefighter. You don't say, my house is on fire, I need a John Smith, you need a firefighter - you don't care which implementation you get, as long as they satisfy the interface. Firefighter defines the contract of what a firefighter does, and thereby what what implementations satisfy that contract - it is unlikely that the 80kb weakling is going to satisfy the contract defined by the firefighter interface.
Anyway, we're talking about types. Types which are exposed to other classes should be named to reflect what they are, regardless of wether it is an Interface, a class or an abstract class. An Interface is a way to isolate the contract definition for the type, but you don't need to use an interface. In the interests of testability though, you should.

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